Interview with President of OsteoStrong

In severe cases, those with osteoporosis can break a bone with nothing more than a sneeze.


An estimated 10 million Americans have osteoporosis, eight million of which are women. The majority of those with porous bone disease are over age 50, but as we live and work longer the symptoms of this unfortunately prevalent disease can be extremely debilitating. Preventative measures like the consumption of vitamin D and calcium, regular weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises and abstaining from smoking and drinking too much can go a long way in thwarting osteoporosis later in life.


However, those preventative measures aren’t always enough. That’s where OsteoStrong comes in.


Kyle Zagrodsky, President of OsteoStrong, and his wife were considering opening yet another health and fitness club when they stumbled upon the biodensity isometric research of Dr. John Jaquish and  consequently watched their health and fitness paradigm completely shift. It’s worth mentioning that Mr. Zagrodsky possesses extensive experience in the health and fitness industry. He’s owned several health and fitness clubs, holds a black belt in seven different forms of martial art, and currently owns his own software company, iGo Figure, in addition to his presidential responsibilities at OsteoStrong.


As it turns out, “Only about 12 percent of the U.S. have health club memberships,” says Zagrodsky, “and only 20-30 percent use it.” That means only three percent of Americans are actually breaking a sweat at the gym.


“Gyms still have their place,”  Zagrodsky adds, but when it comes to making a marked difference in the lives of those who suffer from osteoporosis, fibromyalgia and osteopenia, there’s nothing quite like OsteoStrong. As a machine, OsteoStrong works on a neural level telling your brain to fire the same signals that cause you to build strength and bone density while lifting weights or engaging in cardiovascular activity. What takes an hour in the gym takes only five minutes with OsteoStrong– and you’re not breaking a sweat.


In addition to mitigating the symptoms of osteoporosis, osteopenia (bone loss less severe than that of osteoporosis) and fibromyalgia, OsteoStrong increases bone density, builds muscle strength, and improves agility, posture and balance. For some, it even completely cures chronic back pain.


For Kyle, “Making a huge difference in people’s lives, especially like the 43-year old who had such severe back pain he had pain relief injections and was suicidal,” is the best part of his job. The 43-year old OsteoStrong client that Kyle speaks of suffered from such severe chronic back pain that he had contemplated ending his own life

. At 43 years old, he had been in pain for approximately 15 years. Now pain-free, the former back pain sufferer wants to open his own OsteoStrong franchise.


Kyle remains amazed at the success of OsteoStrong and the positive effects it can have.

“It’s really freaky when you see an 80 year old read a 170 percent increase in strength in six months,”  laughs Zagrodsky. (In case you were wondering, that’s a remarkable change.)


Aside from its ability to help those of all ages, OsteoStrong brings with it the added benefit of not needing to go through a medical doctor for an appointment as well as the possibility of eliminating a patient’s need for prescription osteoporosis medications.


“In three to five years we’ll be a household name,” Kyle predicts. A big part of that notoriety will assuredly come from future OsteoStrong franchisees.


“We want people that are passionate about helping people,” says Kyle. Of course, good credit and working capital are also requirements. Oh, and those who possess a results-oriented attitude. OsteoStrong franchisees are sure to receive endless support and the encouragement to be individuals — a rarity in the franchise world.